Generation of Urban Planning Ordinances through Self-Organising Maps

Francisco J. Abarca-Álvarez, Ángel Fernández-Avidad (2010). Generation of Downtown Planning-Ordinances using Self Organizing Maps.
10th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems, DDSS 2010

Francisco J. Abarca-Álvarez, Ángel Fernández-Avidad (2010). Generation of Downtown Planning-Ordinances using Self Organizing Maps.
10th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems, DDSS 2010

The Ordinance as part of the link between the urban project and the architecture has to adopt commitments with the clearly urban concepts such as the more architectural ones, establishing relationship or network patterns between them versus the stationary of the urban conventional ordinances, which typically become out of date at the time of its formulation. A working way based on feedback from the regulatory body through the dynamic introduction of the pre-existing conditions and the transformations generated in the framework of the ordinance is being explored.

We will define Ordinance-network to these network or relational patterns. The suitability of each proposal to the Ordinance-network will develop a evolving regulatory framework that will be generateing from the global as opposition to the particular and accidental. Thus it will be necessary for the search of the coherences that are formalized in patterns that group and show the most representative variables of the selected scope. By the use of the objective numerical representation of the variables that are beforehand considered to be valuable or representative as those that its interest is unknown and its application through a neural artificial network with unsupervised and competitive learning of the self-organising map or SOM (Self-Organizing Map) type like the Kohonen network, discover and represent a way to understand the underlying structure of the same is possible to achieve.

The new objects permitted by this rule will then become part of the same ordinance, integrating themselves into the body of a new neural network, and thus feeding back into the ordinance. By way of verification, we propose the elaboration of an Ordinance-Network for a sector of the historic centre of a city in the province of Granada, in order to contrast the results obtained with the proposed Ordinance by the town planner, integrating into the body of a new neural network, and thus acquiring feedback from the ordinance.

Faced with the stability of typical urban planning ordinances, which are too often outdated at the time of their formulation, a new working method is currently being explored. This innovation is based on the feedback of the normative body through the dynamic introduction of pre-existences and transformations generated by the same framework as the ordinance. The Ordinance, as a link between the urban planning project and architecture, must engage with both purely urban planning and purely architectural concepts, establishing relationships or network patterns between them. It is this definition of the relational pattern or network that we will call the Ordinance-Network, and its adaptation or approximation to the ordinance itself, through the architectural-urbanistic proposal, will be the normative framework generated from the global, in contrast with the particular and the accidental. 

Será, por tanto, la búsqueda de coherencias formalizadas en patrón que confluyan y muestren los ideales y valores más representativos del ámbito seleccionado. Mediante la representación numérica objetiva de los valores considerados útiles o representativos, así como aquellos cuyos intereses se desconocen, y su aplicación a través de una red neuronal artificial, con aprendizaje no supervisado y competitivo del mismo tipo que el SOM (Self-Organizing Map ) y, más concretamente, la red de Kohonen, se descubrirá y representará de manera comprensible la estructura subyacente de los mismos datos. Los resultados obtenidos son fácilmente interpretables, permitiendo reconocer la agrupación, en forma de patrón, de los objetos arquitectónicos representados, permitiendo comprobar la integración (o no) de un nuevo edificio u objeto en aquellos patrones, que se ajustan a la Red-Ordenanza y lo que hemos venido a denominar Ecotipo. 

Los nuevos objetos permitidos por esta regla pasarán entonces a formar parte del mismo ordenamiento, integrándose en el cuerpo de una nueva red neuronal, y realimentándose así del ordenamiento. A modo de comprobación, se propone la elaboración de una Red-Ordenanza para un sector del centro histórico de una ciudad de la provincia de Granada, con el fin de contrastar los resultados obtenidos con la propuesta de Ordenanza por parte del urbanismo. integrándose en el cuerpo de una nueva red neuronal, y adquiriendo así retroalimentación de la ordenanza. A modo de comprobación, se propone la elaboración de una Red-Ordenanza para un sector del centro histórico de una ciudad de la provincia de Granada, con el fin de contrastar los resultados obtenidos con la propuesta de Ordenanza por parte del urbanismo. integrándose en el cuerpo de una nueva red neuronal, y adquiriendo así retroalimentación de la ordenanza. 

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