Analysis of Sustainable Urban Mobility in Andalusia

C. Lizárraga Mollinedo., A. Grindlay Moreno., (2012).
Towards a Model of Sustainable Urban Mobility in Andalusia.
Centro de Estudios Andaluces

C. Lizárraga Mollinedo., A. Grindlay Moreno., (2012). Towards a Model of Sustainable Urban Mobility in Andalusia.
Centro de Estudios Andaluces

The growing concern for the deterioration of the environment, the rational use of resources and the quality of life, was translated in the 90s of the 20th century in the incorporation of the idea of sustainable development on the political and economicl agenda of institutions and supranational bodies. In general terms, the increase in the mobility demand to access the services located in the centers of cities or in the commercial centers is being solved with the massive use of the private vehicle and is generating a significant increase in traffic with congestion, air and noise pollution problems and accidents, which involving a substantial reduction in the people´s life quality.

Despite the fact that public transport is more efficient in economic, energetic, environmental and social terms, the urban transport user does not take into account the negative consequences of the current urban mobility model. In the metropolitan areas of Andalusia it is being implemented a typical of industrialized countries diffuse city model, together with a mobility model, where the private car is the main character versus the secondary role of collective public transport and the marginal role of the non-motorised ways of transport. These facts bring to the forefront that it is necessary to implement policies that modify a unsustainable baseline scenario that is played on a global scale and requires a behavioural change of the citizen. The proposals generated by this project pursue that the change management of in the mobility model carry along a previous selection of the several alternative measures to achieve specific objectives of sustainable mobility.

The purpose of this work is to understand the problems of mobility of Andalusian agglomerations and provide a battery of proposals to progress towards a sustainable urban mobility in Andalusia through a qualitative analysis that relates the monetary and political cost with the effectiveness of each proposal. To achieve this aim, the work is divided into three parts. In the first part are collected the aspects that cause unsustainability of the model of urban mobility. In second place the demand for mobility in Andalusia it is analyzed according to availavle statistics and studies. Finally, a mobility policies analysis that are being put into operation in the Community is done. By way of conclusion, it is offered a ordered battery of proposals to achieve sustainable urban mobility together with a monetary, polytical/effectiveness costs analysis.

The growing concern for the deterioration of the environment, the rational use of resources and the quality of life, was translated in the 90s of the 20th century in the incorporation of the idea of sustainable development on the political and economicl agenda of institutions and supranational bodies. In general terms, the increase in the mobility demand to access the services located in the centers of cities or in the commercial centers is being solved with the massive use of the private vehicle and is generating a significant increase in traffic with congestion, air and noise pollution problems and accidents, which involving a substantial reduction in the people´s life quality.

Despite the fact that public transport is more efficient in economic, energetic, environmental and social terms, the urban transport user does not take into account the negative consequences of the current urban mobility model. In the metropolitan areas of Andalusia it is being implemented a typical of industrialized countries diffuse city model, together with a mobility model, where the private car is the main character versus the secondary role of collective public transport and the marginal role of the non-motorised ways of transport. These facts bring to the forefront that it is necessary to implement policies that modify a unsustainable baseline scenario that is played on a global scale and requires a behavioural change of the citizen. The proposals generated by this project pursue that the change management of in the mobility model carry along a previous selection of the several alternative measures to achieve specific objectives of sustainable mobility.

The purpose of this work is to understand the problems of mobility of Andalusian agglomerations and provide a battery of proposals to progress towards a sustainable urban mobility in Andalusia through a qualitative analysis that relates the monetary and political cost with the effectiveness of each proposal. To achieve this aim, the work is divided into three parts. In the first part are collected the aspects that cause unsustainability of the model of urban mobility. In second place the demand for mobility in Andalusia it is analyzed according to availavle statistics and studies. Finally, a mobility policies analysis that are being put into operation in the Community is done. By way of conclusion, it is offered a ordered battery of proposals to achieve sustainable urban mobility together with a monetary, polytical/effectiveness costs analysis.

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