DATAface. Advanced Statistical Analysis on Beneficiary Household Profiles of the ALCANCES I and II Project.

The objective of this consultancy is to carry out advanced statistical analyses and apply Artificial Intelligence techniques using Self-Organising Maps (SOM) from databases provided by Acción contra el Hambre, generated by the implementation of the BHA ALCANCES I and II projects in different parts of Central America. The tool consists of advanced statistical analysis and the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques through Self-Organising Maps (SOM) from databases to analyse and characterise profiles of families, households or territories in Central America with food and nutrition security criteria and to measure the impact of programmes and projects developed by humanitarian organisations, reflected in the data visualisation platform supported by Power BI. Some of the objectives of the project are the following: Identify profiles based on food insecurity, find profiles that improve their situation after receiving assistance, and elaborate informes que muestren los resultados de una forma interactiva.

Activities carried out:

  • Review of specialised literature related to the characterisation of households and/or territories according to food security criteria, as well as the measurement of the impact of programmes and projects that have an impact on food security.
  • Revisión de las BBDD generadas  en el marco de los estudios de línea de base, post monitoreo y línea de base final y BBDD adicionales que ayudarán a establecer perfiles de hogar SAN.
  • Different types of analysis will be applied to define typologies or profiles of households with different degrees of food security (FNS).
  • Permanent exchange of information with the focal points designated by Action Against Hunger, in order to resolve doubts, assess different options for analysis, preliminary results, etc.
  • Report(s) in interactive Power BI format with statistical analysis generated, including methodological overview applied, most relevant results, brief discussion, graphs, tables and diagrams that help to understand the methodological aspects and results. The information system will allow the establishment of Central American SAN profiles based on databases.
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