Hydrological and Hydraulic Study of the Channels that Run around the Plot 32, Polygon 6, Municipality of Tobarra, Albacete


This project consisted of the development of a Floodability Study and assessment of the effect of the flooding of the watercourses that run through a specific plot located in Tobarra, Albacete, with the aim of assessing the effect that flooding could have on the works planned for the plot. To this end, hydrological and hydraulic studies were carried out of the main channel and its four tributary channels running through the plot with the aid of the HEC-RAS v.4.10 and ArcGIS v.10.5 software, with the HEC Geo-RAS extension.

After the realization of the study it was concluded that the projected works are located outside of the flood zone in periods of return of 5.5, 100 and 500 years.

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