Technical Study of the Evolution of the Logistic Competitiveness of the Port of Motril

In this work it was done a study of the evolution of intermodal transport on the Mediterranean seafront and the current situation of the Port of Motril and its possible future situation with respect to other ports in Spain if various infrastructure adaptations were made such as the implementation of the railway connection with the city of Granada, and in turn, with the rest of Spain, or the remodeling and expansion of the port to increase its potential for both passenger and cargo transportation.

 Comparison of the Accessibility Index of the Port of Motril without the Granada-Motril-Puerto de Motril railway connection (1) and with the connection with a horizon in the year 2030 (2).

For this purpose, the costs of intermodal freight transport were analyzed according to the availability of basic infrastructures and a comparison was made with other Spanish and European ports. A prognosis and projection of transport costs and port competitiveness was elaborated by exploring future scenarios of logistic competitiveness of the Port of Motril linked to the investment decisions of the responsible administrations in relation to the development of basic transport infrastructures. Likewise, a proposal of strategic planning scenarios was made in relation to future port competitiveness taking into account future logistics, green seals, stocking, capacity or transport costs, among other aspects.

In turn, the factors related to the hinterland (the area of land influence of a port, or the existing area around a city or logistics infrastructure) were evaluated by calculating competitiveness indicators and the impact of the railroad disconnection, and future scenarios related to the feasibility of the railroad connection were explored..

Rail Competitiveness Index. Horizons 2030 and 2050.

The conclusions reached for the Port of Motril to be competent with respect to other Spanish ports and to adapt to the Spanish Port System would be the following:

- Implementation of the Granada - Jaén railroad line.

- Implementation of the Granada - Port of Motril railroad line.

- Adaptation of the Jaén - Linares Baeza - Madrid connection to High Speed.

- Remodeling of the Port of Motril to increase its capacity for the reception of cargo and people.

These results would mean that the Granada - Madrid rail connection would be completed in just over 2 hours, the Motril - Madrid connection would be completed in less than 3 hours and there would be a connection between the Port of Motril and the north of Spain that would generate synergies and provide the Spanish transport system with a high level of competitiveness. However, currently, it can be concluded from the study that the Port of Motril is in an unequal position with respect to the provision of infrastructures with respect to the other State Ports. and the non-implementation of the previously mentioned reforms would mean an increase in the competitiveness gap of the Port of Motril with respect to other ports in Spain, when its potential is equal to or greater than many of them.

Railroad Accessibility Isochrones Map from the Port of Motril. Horizon 2030

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