Support Service for the Development of the STARS Project of Sustainable Mobility in the Province of Granada

Our participation in this project consisted of making cartographies and the analysis of safe school environments.

The STARS project of sustainable mobility of the Provincial Council of Granada has the aim to promote and stimulate the exchange of mobility patterns in motor vehicles to the active commuting (especially by bicycle) to high schools, particularly in 4 of them: IES Aricel (Albolote), IES Blas Infante (Ogíjares), IES Clara Campoamor (Hazards) and IES Trevenque (La Zubia).

To do this, we employed the "Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools (STARS)" methodology, which established "Ambassadors of Youth Mobility" in the 4 high schools to advise and promote the bike commuting to this educational buildings through scavenger hunts, workshops, videos, and marketing activities. To determine the success of this initiative, surveys of mobility habits were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the study to evaluate the collaboration of the students and the activities carried out. A High school environment cyclability analysis was performed taking into account criteria such as urban development and mobility, including a graphical representation of the results, which resulted in a final report that showed the overall results.

Our corporate principles are largely associated with those of this project:

  • Promote health, social, environmental, and physical health responsability.
  • Promote research and action.
  • Evaluate and analyze the situation of the environment in order to propose improvements
    in the urban network.
  • Create healthy habits and contribute to a higher quality of life.

Yolanda Barragán and Palma Chillón also participated in this project.

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